FAIR is an all-volunteer organization that exists to offer support to adopted children, their families and caregivers.
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, FAIR offers information, education, support and fellowship to adoptive and pre-adoptive families. FAIR welcomes all kinds of families. FAIR families are experienced with special needs, transracial, transcultural and older child adoption. Our membership includes families who have adopted children through foster care, public and private agencies from the US and from many countries around the world.
Over the years, FAIR has sponsored many activities for adopted kids to get to know one another - ice skating, camping and bowling parties. We have held workshops to educate kids and their parents about the joys and challenges that our families face. Support groups form that provide mutual assistance to parents walking a similar path.
Want to know more about FAIR? Send us an email to join our mailing list. We look forward to hearing from you!